I remember, I do! I'm sure of it, aren't I? Yes, the lower lid is on. I can feel the water rising. It's bloody cold.
What is it then? What have I forgotten? I left a note tagged to Bluey. "Bluey, the submarine is lost. You are the last survivor. Drain down the escape tower and carry out the last man routine. We will have a brew waiting for you when you get to the surface. Read any good books lately?'
I wrote that on the plastic cover of a book titled 'Few Survived - a history of Submarine Disasters.' Good book, pretty morbid reading at 400 feet. They did say to use a chinagraph pencil on plastic as it is waterproof.
He was still breathing when I entered the tower. If he doesn't come about, the built-in breathing system will run out of air in the next couple of hours. At least he won't feel it.
I'm amazed that some of the bigger blokes fit through here on their way out. Bloody tight. The water is at my knees. Am I thinking fast, or is the water rising slowly? Shit, there must be something I have forgotten.
My mum always said I forgot something whenever I went back to work after being on leave, usually a toothbrush.
The Tower drain is obviously shut because the water is still rising.
Oh God, NO! The upper lid?
No, it's not that. I remember putting it to the idle position because I nearly busted my thumb trying to do that.
It has to be something. I know it's not my toothbrush.
I wonder if I will get my six-month survival leave, or is that simply an old matelots story. What about wearing an earring? If you survived a shipwreck in the old days, you were allowed to wear an earring. No more fishing line shoved in my earlobe to keep the hole open.
Bloody hell, this water is rising slowly. The old saying 'My life rushed before my eyes!' it's true. The only thing is I have not reviewed much of my life.
What is it I have forgotten?
Ah! Shit, that hurt. Burst your eardrums, they say. It feels more like getting an icepick shoved in each ear and having it twisted around. Free flood head, what a bonus.
I definitely don't think they pay us enough.
The upper lid should be opening soon.
Drowning, what a way to go. I've almost done it once in my life. I was a bit more relaxed the first time. I remember this big old Murray Cod swimming by just before my uncle pulled me from the water. I must not have been there long because I did not need resuscitation. I stood for about fifteen seconds before a turtle got my attention.
Why am I thinking about this stuff? What's happening with the water?
Bloody vent cap! Someone has taken the bloody vent cap!
I could stand in this tower for hours sucking on this hood inflation system before I slowly suffocated. I have to find something to stick in it.
I once heard of a bloke losing his thumb by using it to block the vent. It was ripped off when the tower equalised, and the upper lid flew open. Actually, I read that in 'Few Survived.'
Shit! Shit! Think stupid, think. Else you will die.
Where are my bloody gloves? They always said to use it if the vent cap was missing.
I should have grabbed the spare cap from the escape locker. Too late for that, and Bluey may need it.
Found It!
Here we go, then.
Good, the water is rising again.
Ok, keep hold of the inflation system; breathe normally. Any second now.
I wonder how many of the others made it to the surface.
God, I will get the bends for sure with the amount of time I have spent in this tower.
It's open! You beauty, now the easy part.
Simply breath normal and look to the surface.
What a ride! I always liked this part of the training. I always wanted to ascend more than 60 feet. Suppose I got my wish.
It's getting lighter.
This water is definitely clear. I can make out the sun.
Shit, I must be moving.
Maybe it's not the sun, and it's that bright light people see in near-death experiences.
No, it's the sun. I can make out shadows on the surface.
I'll be on the surface and out of the water straight away on a boat, you ripper.
It's bloody moving. Where's the sun gone? It's directly above me.
'Get out of the way, you fuckers! Oh, God! Moooove!'
'Yes, Sir, We picked up 17 bodies. All of them ok except for one bloke who apparently supervised the whole escape.'
'What happened? Did he make it to the surface at all?'
'Yes, Sir. Snapped his neck; died instantly.' unfortunately, he smashed into the bottom of one of the rescue boats.
'Anyone else left?'
'One more, one of the early survivors said he was unconscious when he escaped. If the guy who snapped his neck coordinated the escape, it means the last fellow is still unconscious.'
'Ok, what about down aft?'
'I think we may have lost them as well, sir. We haven't heard anything from them for the last 20 minutes. The banging stopped.'
'Seriously. Out of a crew of 69, we save 16. They don't get paid enough.'
'No, Sir, they don't.'
'Right Davis but a buoy in the water, and we will hang around until the salvage ships arrive.'
‘Roger Sir.’
'The recompression unit will be here in twenty minutes. Is anyone in need of it?'
'Not yet; we are keeping an eye on them.'