Monday 13 May 2024

Day 13 - Origin Story

 The following, immediately below in Backstory (provided) is what was given to me leading up to a Dungeons and Dragons weekend.  To make the 'Character' Landon a bit more my own I've written the 'Origin Story' below to give him more context and get a feel for how I may play the character.

Landon Frostcar

Backstory (Provided)

Raised in the rhythmic ebb and flow of river life, our human rogue became intimately acquainted with the secrets that floated along the waterways between Silver Brook Hamlet and Willowdale. 

From a young age, they navigated the boats and barges that traversed the winding river, picking up both a sailor's skills and a rogue's craftiness. 

The bustling river trade offered ample opportunities for intrigue, and our character learned to move in the shadows, acquiring information and possessions with a deft hand and a charming demeanour.

Key aspects:

  • Swashbuckler - high charisma, super high dex

  • Preferred weapons Dagger and rapier

  • Tavern Brawler

Origin Story

"Hey, Boy!" Landon looked up. The voice had a lilt to it, a lilt not commonly heard around Silver Brook, yet not unheard. It was an elf. He didn’t look right. Landon pushed his long pole against the shoreline, leveraging his skiff into the river to get a closer look. lifting his chin, signalling to the man on the far shore as he drifted closer; the current would grab in a moment, and he only had a moment to make his call. 

"Can you ferry me? There's a copper in it for you."

In acknowledgement, Landon drove his pole into the riverbed, propelling his boat towards the far shore. As he got closer, he realised the fellow held his hand to his side, clenching. No pushing his fist into his side. His leather jerkin darkened from where he applied pressure. 

The water deepened. Landon speared his setting pole deep into the water, bending for leverage putting power into the thrust, accelerating the boat, and closing the gap to the elf.

The elf, for his part, looked furtively about, into the scrub behind him, before turning and moving closer to the water’s edge, seeming anxious about what was coming from behind. 

The satisfying feel of the boat running up the rise onto the beach halted its momentum.

The elf, for his part, staggered forward. "Thank you!" exited his lips more as an exhale than a statement as he first stumbled, then fell forward, landing hard face-first into the boat. All of this seemed slowed, the running of the boat, the falling of the elf, as a large, brutish humanoid burst from the brush, a great axe in one hand and a javelin in the other. 

Barely pausing, the large, no-necked, low-browed, jaw-jutting, bottom-fanged creature lifted and threw the javelin, aiming for the elf's back. The javelin, missing its mark, flew over the back of the elf as he fell directly towards Landon. Sweeping his setting pole across him, he deflected the javelin, leaving it to fly wantonly out into the silver river.

With the click of the javelin on the setting pole, the world went from slow to super fast. Dropping onto the decking, Landon took three paces to get to the head of the prone elf, dragging his pole behind him in one hand, the other grabbing a belay, pulling it from the gunwale, letting the rope it held fall to the deck.

With a step, Landon mounted the gunwale, stepping around the elf onto the prow, and leaping to the shore, the belay retrieved from the boat leaving his hand flying straight towards the Orc bearing down on him, spearing it between the eyes, stunning it momentarily.

Using the momentum of the leap from the boat, Landon dived to the ground, rolling deliberately, tangling himself in the legs of the creature, who, stunned, did not halt its forward motion, its leg deflected by the body of the boy balled at its feet.

As the orc fell hard into the gravel of the beach, its broad forehead ploughing the stones, Landon rolled, retrieving the belay, then turned and ran back towards his boat, breaking his stride momentarily to strike at the skull of the creature, before throwing the belay into the boat and pushing the boat back into the river, this time letting the current grab and propel him and his unconscious cargo towards home, towards Silver Brook.

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