Wednesday 22 May 2024

Day 22 - Chapter 21

After a long night, and a somewhat subset of a family reunion Taesha, Bobmadik slept late, entering Bombading's living area shortly before noon.  Here they found Thraina and Durog talking with Aelen.  Who in good form had woken a little worried, until he spied Uncle Durog sleeping in a bed opposite where he woke, climbed out of bed, shaking his uncle awake.

He was asking questions ten to the dozen.  As his parents joined them Thraina excused herself to go get some food organised for them to break their fast, while Durog filled them in on the discussions he’d been having with Aelen, explaining to him where his parents were at first, then on answering his questions about Dalgroth, who Bombading and Thraina were and other cursory items. 

Once they were up to speed on Aelen’s conversation Durog encouraged the boy to go get his dagger, it was time he cleaned and sharpened it.  As the boy ran off to his room Durog leant in.  ‘Duether is calling for a council, he has sent Bombading, and others to round up the ruling families’ clan leaders and the heads of guilds to attend.  We are all to be in attendance, the Falcon and his brood as well.  Bombading has sent runners to fetch them.’

‘When?’ Asked Taesha.

‘This afternoon. Aelen is to be present.’

Both Taesha and Bobmadik looked at each other.  The conversation with Duether had gone into detail of their plight.  At first, he was happy and glad to see his son and daughter-in-law.  And, as it turned out was well briefed on the two of them and their little charge due to Durog’s updates.  

He heaped praise and acknowledged Durog and his family’s duty to the crown, calling for his chief steward, and ordering him to send a squad of six, with supplies to make their way to the valley.  They were to replenish the homesteads, and work with and protect Dalia and Olin until Durog’s return.

As the conversation crossed onto the events in the valley, and scuffles and encounters along the way concern crossed his face, the idea that a Drow Assassin had pushed a kobold force into the valley undetected, the rogue, asked tracking them at the four ways, the goblin encounter before the white ways and then another days and leagues later as they left the white ways.

There was no way of knowing if all these events where related, but seemed to be based upon the draw sighting.  Maybe the latter most goblin attack was nothing more than a coincidence, resulting in the fortuitous reunion of the brothers, Bobamdik and Bombading, even still it indicated something was going on.  

By the end of the conversation, Duether drank the last of his wine, pushed back form the table ‘Get some sleep children, it will be a big day tomorrow’. Bob, Bombading, Taesha and Thraina instantly reminded them that Duether was not only the Lord and ruler of Dalgroth, but their father, and ultimate protector.

‘So he thinks this is important?’ Asked Bobmadik.

‘Absolutely, he has not called for a council of clan and guild leaders since the end of the Drow Wars.’

The next several hours passed quickly, the four of them, Thraina, Taesha, Durog and Bobmadik ate together, talking of a range of topics, everything from their valley home and what it was like to live away from the courts and realm of Dalgroth, through to speculation of what Duether knew, why the council, and more.  

Once this meal was done the group began to ready themselves, Taesha’s and Bobmadik’s formal robes retrieved from storage.  They found they fit well, the years of working the lands, and even the flight of the last several weeks had left the two particularly leaner than they were before they left.

For Aelen, Thraina had organised a tailor, had the boy measured up even before his parents had gotten up.  A trifling affair really as the tailor and his assistant returned shortly after lunch with a finely cut pair of pants and tailored shirt that fit the young elven boy perfectly.  

For Durog the servants had been sent off to retrieve the appropriate uniform for the old Dwarf, the uniform of Lord Dalgroth’s personal retinue with the rank and title bestowed upon him days of old.

Finally the four stood ready, Thraina, who was not required at the council stood back for a moment commenting that they most definitely did not look like the bedraggled mob she’d greeted no even 18 hours ago.  Embracing both Taesha and Aelen she wished them luck and watched as the four left the room, Durog leading the way followed up my Aelen with his parents walking together behind.

As they passed through the keeps passageways, descending the stairs back into the main passage they noted how much busier the keep was from the night before, no longer were they empty bar the odd guard surreptitiously waling the halls, they were a buzz.  Guards patrolled in pairs, keep stewards, both male and female moved about all seemingly in a rush.

None rushed enough to fail to stop and acknowledge the rank and importance of the people passing, many recognising both Durog and Bobmadik and by association Taesha and Aelen. 

As they passed they could hear the voices of those who had paused, guard and steward alike start talking in hushed tones, As tongues would be wagging about Durog the Drow slayer, let alone Bobmadik and Teasha who had fled the keep, abducting the elven babe before the council could rule for or against them.  And then, of course, the elven boy, who was the babe they stole away with.  

Even with the keep’s rules and laws to keep what happens within the walls from the general populace, it would be out there in no time that these four were seen walking the halls.  It didn’t matter how these stories may grow, or even be conveyed as succinctly as they passed they were all based on a semblance of truth.  ‘There will have other be protections put in place, Aelen’s, and by default your Taesha is now gone until we get to the bottom of this.’

Taesha looked at her husband, and simply squeezed his hand acknowledging what he had said.

The expanse of the keep never failed to impress upon Bobmadik and Taesha the enormity of the Cavern it rests within, the walk from Bombading’s chambers to the council chambers was nothing less than fifteen minutes, the later part of it quite circuitous as it navigated more narrow passageways that for deliberate reasons turned often with stairs up and down, through several halls of varying purposes, from formal dining spaces to simple passageways with fresco’d ceilings and bay windows.  Some antechambers to libraries, meeting rooms and more.  

Finally, they arrived at an antechamber of the side of the main throne hall where the council was to meet that day.  Here they were somewhat pleased to find Flacon, Feather and Wolf in the company of Bombading, all quietly talking, each with a goblet in hand waiting.

“So Bombading, it seems you are going to get your answers today.’ Stated Falcon, turning towards them.

‘It does my friend it does.’ 

The group re-united then fell into a comfortable silence, the new arrivals presented with goblets of their own, finding that they had cold fresh water retrieved from one of the many creeks that flowed into and passed through the cavern of Dalgroth.

Aelen stood in silence with his parents as they all waited, eventually deducing that now was a good time for questions, a distraction appreciated by all of the adults about him.  Just as they were all laughing at an innocent question asked by Aelen of Wolf about his name a courtier stepped into the room declaring they were required.

Quickly sorted in order of rank that only the courtier could devise they entered the court singular or in pairs.  First Bombading as 3rd in line to the throne, then Bobmadik and Taesha due to both his title of 8th in the line of Dalgroth and Captain of the Field Guards, then the esteemed allies of Lord Duether, Falcon and Durog, both wearing the livery and ranks of commanders within the Army of Dalgroth, Followed by Aelen, and then Falcon and Wolf to the rear.  

The placement of Aelen between more about protection than a conveyance of rank or standing within the courts of Dalgroth.

Even though all but Aelen had been in the hall before, Teasha and Bobmadik having been married here the scale and importance bear down on them.  The space itself was one hundred and fifty foot across, and three times as long, and although they had entered form the antechamber halfway up the length of the hall there still existed a gap between them and the councillors sitting at a horschoe table, Lorde Duether sitting as the head of the state and apex of the table.

The seven of them proceeded towards the councillors, taking in who was in attendance, all of them bar one were to be expected, the years Bobmadik had spent away from the halls had been immaterial, as a fistful of years was nothing in the lives of dwarves who lived upwards of 400 years, and in reality where not even considered adults until they were a hundred years old or more.  The unexpected Leeshana Naidro.

As they approached the council sitting in the centre at the mouth of the table were five seats, Bobmadik and Taesha sat in the chairs to the left and right of the centre most seats respectively.  Falcon then sitting to Bobmadiks left while Durog sat on Taesha’s right.  Aelen was sat centre most, with Wolf and feather standing behind him, and turning to face down the hall, watching to his back, vigilant.

‘Welcome Friends.’ It was Duether who spoke. ‘Let’s get down to business, we are here today because of the Elven boy Aelen Tjuni Sir of Bobmadik and Teasha, a prince of the court of Dalgroth.’ The proclamation was received in silence, the message clear to all.  Debates of old, of the place of Aelen within the clan were put to rest with that one statement.  

Although effective in silencing any immediate protests, it would still be discussed and debated for years.  The elves had abandoned the Dalgroth in the greatest time of need, they had not helped them reclaim their domain, to deal with their dark cousins, yet here was the high lord of Dalgroth declaring an elf as one of his own.  

‘We are here today’ continued Duether to discuss recent events that have put my grandson in peril, and to explore both the cause for the events by looking back into what brought the boy into our care.  Let-us being with how the boy first arrived, to do this I will call upon Falcon, Patriarch of the Falconbred, and commander of the same.’

Falcon stood, pushing his chair behind him, and began.

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