Tuesday 21 May 2024

Day 21 - Mysterious Letters

 I used the Day 19 prompt for today's effort, it was called 'Mysterious Letters' - Write a story in which your main character tries to unravel a mystery, but write it as a series of letters, social media updates, or memos – or a mix of forms.

The following is a bit of an abstract take on the prompt:

21st May 2025

Well, they’ve done it. They’ve passed the segregation laws, now to see what this means, no translates into.  I do know Exaa Corp. has been bidding on lots, and the council has awarded the contract to them to build the Dormitories.

Sue is not home yet, it’ll be interesting to see what she thinks when she gets back, I know it was on topic for the P&C this evening.  Is the debate to keep the school going blended across all floors or do they segregate by towers?

It’s weird, it's backward, how are we meant to address the problems, this can’t be the way to address the problems, contract to grow again they say.

We’ll see.

12th June 2025

Been too busy to note, the segregation laws last month! It’s as if the dam walls broke.  It was indiscriminate, incredible actually.  The government, military and police alike were ready for it.  

Curfews are in place now, and the segregated are to stay indoors until the end solution is in place.  As much as the government was ready, the infrastructure was lagging.

The school! The bloody school, it was overnight, the Tower solution was taken, even buses, public transport is segregated now.

Thank god it’s not inside the houses yet, although I’ve heard there is talk of it sometime.

This is a disproportionate response, it’s ridiculous.

28th June 2025

It’s getting insane now, it’s not safe to walk the streets, especially if you're a male between 10 and 50.  Beatings, people being beaten with truncheons, accused of loitering when they're simply queuing.  It’s degrading, the military, the police, they're doing it to their own, beating us down.

Sue told me they’ve started splitting up families now, her brother Bill was taken two days ago.

Bill?  He was a pastor, a teacher, taken.  Torn away from his family.  The girls, Margie are devastated.  The pendulum has swung too far now, there’s no middle ground, and they've all given up on trying to find the right solutions.

6th July 2025

This is it, this will be my last entry.  They’re coming for us now, they’ve been working down the streets for a few days now, yesterday they were a block over from us, so it has to be today, they’ll come, they’ll take me, they’ll take Tim.

The pamphlet arrived yesterday, no technology, cash only, we’ve not carried cash for ages, there was a run on the banks, thankfully Sue had preplanned, she’d heard this was coming.

Tim just came in, they’re two doors down.  I’ll go now.

For the sake of us all, I hope they come to their senses, I hope they realise we’re not all bad, that we have a purpose, and in the majority we’re good.  

But we’ll see.

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