Friday 24 May 2024

Day 24 - Video killed the Radio Star



The music was blaring, one of Trudy’s favourite songs, but what the hell was Artur Singing, it was like a different language and he was screaming it at the top of his voice.  Rounding the corner, there he was, leaning over the firepit dropping another log into the flames.  Bopping away to the song as it continued to play in the background,

She walked up towards the fire, yelling over the music ‘What are you singing?’ It was slightly louder as the music suddenly dropped and transitioned back into the chorus.

‘VIDEOKILLEDTHERADIOSTAR!’ he sang back at her quite proud of himself for the timing of his answer.  He paused pausing, waiting for an acknowledgement from Trudy.

‘No, no. not what is the song, what were you singing?’

‘Oh! Um, nothing.’ pulling his phone from his pocket and hitting pause.

‘No, what was it?  She asked, smiling, waiting, using the silence to draw out the answer.

‘TIKTOK killed the Video star.’


‘Yes, think about it, all the kids, even the adults are all watching TIKTOK or YouTube Shorts.  It’s killing the video star.’

She thought about it momentarily, ‘Absolutely’ he was correct. ‘It’s not only killing the video start, it’s also killing our attention span.’

       Artur, lifted his phone holding it between the two of them and tapped the screen.



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