Monday 27 May 2024

Day 26 - Backstory 'The Undertakers'

Harria and Uktar are two ex-lovers bound together by the decisions they’ve made. As thespians within the grand city of Waterdeep, they were lovers both on and off stage. However, they decided that acting was not profitable enough to achieve the wealth they desired quickly.

So, they began looking for ways to get rich fast. Their searches often turned back to their art, leading them to run some piecemeal con jobs in the city. These activities eventually brought them to the attention of Waterdeep’s underworld, particularly the notorious Xanathar’s Guild. Through their connections with the guild, they found themselves in the underground town of Skullport.

In the dark catacombs of Undermountain, they devised their latest money-making scheme: conning foolhardy adventurers lured by promises of unimaginable treasures. The ruse? Pretend to be vampires and threaten adventurers as they transition to the first level of the dungeon. To pull this off, they recruited several struggling thespians and stole make-up and disguise kits from the theatre they last worked with.

Their gang, known as the "Undertakers," has had some success, enough that each member has a bit of coin and occasionally ventures into the City of Splendours. However, tensions have arisen lately, with Harria and Uktar bickering over the future of their enterprise. They have even moved to opposite ends of their lair as communications have broken down between them.

When adventurers arrive from the south, they first encounter Uktar. Despite the tension with Harria, he continues the ruse, attempting to extort 10 gold pieces per adventurer in exchange for safe passage through this level to the one below. The challenge, however, is that they must bypass one or two Xanathar’s Guild outposts whose sole purpose is to prevent adventurers from descending deeper into Undermountain.

Here’s how the situation might play out:

  • The Proposition: Uktar, the spokesperson, greets the adventurers as they enter, masking his surprise and casually engaging with them. He says, “Friends,” gesturing to several of his gang members, “I see we have adventurers among us, some new clientele.” Then, addressing the adventurers, he adds, “Presumption dictates that I offer you our services.” He gestures broadly at the gang. “My friends and I can offer you safe passage to the lower level for a mere 10 gold pieces each. This level, as shallow as it is, offers you nothing but trouble, as it’s been stripped of all treasure by your predecessors.”
  • The Issue: If the party lacks sufficient gold, Uktar suggests they could pay with a ring or a magic item. The gang subtly spreads out as the discussion progresses, preparing for a potential fight.
  • Bought Passage: If the adventurers pay the fee, the Undertakers lead them south, then east into the Grick Snack Watch, which inevitably results in a battle. The logic here is that the Undertakers must have come up from Skullport and must transit through here when wanting to spend their ill-gotten gains.
  • Complication: The Xanathar’s Guild outpost is under strict orders to prevent adventurers from descending deeper into Undermountain, fearing it will disrupt their operations.
  • Fight, Fight, Fight!: A fight is likely to break out (I will have to sprinkle a healing potion about). As the first gang member dies, another will break from the fray and run north to alert Harria of the trouble. If the tide turns against Uktar, both he and Harria will try to flee north. Let’s count this as when the party has killed 50% of the originating gang members.


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