Monday 6 May 2024

Day 6 - Like me, but not.

Microsoft Teams (MT):  ‘Boom, Boom, woo we, Boom Boom’

MT:  ‘Wooot!’

Jim (J): ‘Hey Susie!’

Susie (S): ‘Jim.’

J: ‘Love the background, gotta love this automated background.’

S: ‘Yup.  Hey, a quick one. I want to get onto topic fast, I’ve only got a moment.’

J: ‘No worries, how can I help you today.’

S: ‘Well you know how we’ve had the team working on what, how or if we apply Gen AI onto the core learning platform?’

J: ‘Yes.’

S: ‘Well they say it can’t be done, something about we have to do a heap of foundational work.’

J: ‘Nah, I’ll take care of it, consider it done.’

S: ‘What, you serious?  You mean there’s no issues with the underpinning data, Knowledge?’

J: ‘No I think it should be fine, it’s AI, and it’ll be able to work out what to offer up.’

S: ‘But the team, said we had too much conflicting knowledge, like 10 wrong statements, answers to every correct statement, something that the AI would normalise the incorrect!

J: ‘Yeah, they’ve probably got a point there, but then, you know if we activate the AI it’ll bring that to the surface and we can delete it’

S: ‘You serious?  They mentioned scary things like unintended out, even ethical dilemmas

J: ‘Ethical Dilemma, oh don’t worry about that, you know, like I said it’ll bring it to the forefront, make it transparent and we can then remove it.’

S: ‘Ummm. Wouldn’t that be to late then?’

J: ‘Too late?  Nah to late would be not doing it now, you know activating the AI Bot’s, like if you don’t get it done now we’ll be left behind.’

S: ‘MMMM, ok.  So you’re saying there does not impede from a technology perspective?’

J: ‘Yup, no impediment, I’ll have a chat to the team you should be good to go.’

S: ‘OK thanks.  Quick question are there any other considerations, you know Regulatory, or anything like that?’

J: ‘Uh, yeah, there could be some challenge there.  Tell you what though, get in fast.  Both the State and federal governments are still forming that, I think their in draft at best.  Get in front of it I say.’

S: ‘Right.  I’ve also heard that we need to go through a security and PI review?’

J: ‘Yeah, that’s normal, those guys want notice of everything, nothing to worry about we’ll have the team cover that off in due course, it’s just important we get going.’

S: After a Pause, ‘Um, OK. Thanks, Jim, we’ll keep going.

J: ‘Not a worry, Susie See you soon.’

MT: ‘Baboom’

MT:  ‘Boom, Boom, woo we, Boom Boom’

MT:  ‘Wooot!’

J: ‘Hey Michael!’

Michael (M): ‘Jim?’

J: ‘Just a quick one, I’ve just told Susie we’re good to go, and you’d be on it and have it running no time.’

M: ‘What are you talking about?’

J: ‘The Ai, Gen AI’

M: ‘You didn’t, did you?’

J: ‘Yeah, we good aren’t we?’

M: ‘No way, we’re not even licensed, don’t have the skills, people or system capacity.  You’re insane!!’

J: ‘Oh? Um.’

M: ‘Jim?’

J: ‘Uh, It’ll be fine Mike, you’ll make it happen.’

MT: ‘Baboom’

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